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People You Envy

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Canary42 | 19:01 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

It has been suggested on another thread that I envy Carol Vorderman.

Who, if anyone, do you envy, and why (please keep replies to people in public life whom we're all likely to know of).







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PP yes, Mania is great until it morphs into psychosis.  It then gets a bit scary.

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Chill out and keep it light, this is chatterbank.

Jacob Rees-Mogg.  Because I've never seen him lose an argument.

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I'm amused ladybirder that you didn't pick Jacob until the "dead" element was introduced LOL.

I don't envy anyone - but there are a lot of people I admire.

I will only envy those who survive Starmergeddon unscathed, but in a nice way of course. I would wish for everyone to survive it unscathed.

Envy takes too much effort.

And I'm half convinced I have developed adult ADD as a pensioner, so it's out of the question. Now what were we discussing ?

Very funny yourself Canary;-))

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Yes, with hindsight, admire would have been a better choice - ho hum whatever.

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