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Spoons Up To Their Old Tricks Again!!

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piggynose | 21:01 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
23 Answers

I say again!  I´m in Blighty for a brief break, so me and the mrs had a meal in Spoons today. I had worked out the cost, paid at the bar, and assumed everything would be ok, i wasn´t wearing my glasses. Back to my table put my glasses on and discovered id been overcharged by a quid! Went back to the bar to get an explanation. After a lot of faffing about, it turned out id been given the more expensive extra option to my meal. This initially didnt make any sense, cuz on the menu card,the more expensive option wasnt easy to find, as it was at the bottom of the list. I came to a conclusion that spoons are always doing this, and cuz the customer is either tipsy or 1/2 soaked doesn´t complain. Rant over!!



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One of my private pensions (deferred) was due to pay me circa £10k p.a. on reaching the age of 60.  Because the company’s pension fund was found to be in significant deficit, they changed my normal retirement age in the scheme from 60 to 65 – this change effectively robbed me of £50k, and you’re complaining about being robbed of £1.

Have you been overcharged in 'Spoons before?

How did you find England ? We were there last week; the people we met and dealt with were so nice and friendly but so many things seemed by German and even French standards rather shabby. 

probably would have cost more where you live piggy?

and why "old tricks" - how have they tricked you previously?

In my experience they don't always get things right. Their pricing is favourable though, so worth checking at the time of ordering.

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Hymie, Spoons is a multi £ business with huge profits! You say just a pound! Multiplied million times, it's not then Just a pound!

OG. I always check the menu card before ordering, and make a perfect calculation.

Somebody said it's more expensive where I live! Ha, it's not! 

Yeh UK does look very shabby these days!!

One big advantage theres not 1000s of dogs evacuating their rectums at every street corner.

piggy - if I was you I wouldn't frequent spoons again (they will be devastated). Better still, stay out of the UK altogether.

Well we don't want to be though of as western Paris do we?

A whole pound ??

Why did you go to the effort of calculating the final bill but then not bother to confirm prior to paying, it agreed with the amount you were asked to pay?

Always ask for a receipt when ordering...and check it.   Any problems are soon sorted.

Perlease, it's standard practice, extra burger for a sov etc. You went to all that agro for a poond!

22:58, that's BS they would have had to re adjust your payout for +5 years generally the later you take a pension the better it is. Check but I suspect your pension at 65 will be a lot more than £10k.

Still cheaper than anywhere else ... specially in London

No tora.i was hit by the same as hymie.itmeant for example if you wanted to retire at say 60, instead of a full pension they'd do a 5 year actuarial reduction so maybe 20-25%. If you wanted to retire at 62 it'd be 3 years so 12 - 15% pa

I went into a weatherspoons once only and nearly got stuck to the carpet.

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piggy - if I was you I wouldn't frequent spoons again (they will be devastated). Better still, stay out of the UK altogether


spoons is one of fave drinking places. 

incidentally i had my bill all reckoned up before i made the order, but stupidly, yes my fault didnt put my glasses on, and just relied on pot luck!

a whole pound! yes brainiac! 

Tomorrow i will going back to Spoons,with my bill written out to avoid being messed about!!

Yeh UK does look very shabby these days!!

you have no idea what UK looked like in the fifties

PP, One would like to think things would have improved during the past 70 years. don't you think?

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