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Celebrities You Don’t Like But Don’t Know Why

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naomi24 | 18:05 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
67 Answers

Shirley Ballas is one.  I just don't like her but I've no idea why I don't like her.  



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Celebrities? No time for most of the so called.

Davina McCall

Dermot O'Leary

12:27, okay. I was wondering if your dislike for Ms. Ballas may have come from the way her predecessor was unceremoniously removed by the BBC.

Noel Fielding.

If I don't take to someone then I know why. Maybe not immediately but soon enough afterwards.

10:08 I adore Noel Fielding. The Mighty Boosh remains one of my favourite comedy shows ever.

Glad someone else mentioned Ant and Dec. Can't stand them.


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