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Jewish Chronicle Caught Publishing Fake Stories

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Gromit | 18:31 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | News
2 Answers

Embarrassing to say the least.  
The fake news was spotted in Israel and now the paper has removed articles from its website. There are claims that Netanyahu is behind the fake news as a newspaper in Germany was also targetted and Bibi has used the stories to justify Israeli action.   
Whoever was behind it, it is very poor that a respected publication was so easily taken in.



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I applaud them for retracting the stories... the pressure on them from the israeli government must have been immense and other editors would doubtless ignore it

every newspaper makes mistakes... it is how they deal with them that matters

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// A number of prominent columnists have resigned in protest from the Jewish Chronicle after allegations it printed articles about the Gaza conflict that were based on “wild fabrications”.

The weekly title, the world’s oldest Jewish newspaper, is facing calls for an investigation after it deleted nine articles by Elon Perry because of doubts over their accuracy and concerns he had misrepresented his CV.

The sensationalist articles by the former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier allegedly included fabricated claims about Israeli intelligence. //

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Jewish Chronicle Caught Publishing Fake Stories

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