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Clinique Makeup

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smurfchops | 13:50 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

I have a Clinique Even Better foundation colour 05 Neutral.  Any skin care specialists out there who can tell me the next colour up please?  I think it is a bit pale on my skin.  Bought it ages ago though, not sure if they still make this colour !  Tia.



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I would say no-one can tell you this online. Shades don't just go from light to dark in order, some emphasise warm beige tones or cooler yellow without necessarily being lighter or darker.

I wouldn't waste money on clinique (which is not cheap) or any brand foundation without going to a store and testing it.

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Which foundation would you recommend on the less expensive side please?  Not Matt, a bit of a Sheen would be good.  Tia.  

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