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So Hugh Edwards Is A Sex Offender

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DTCwordfan | 13:07 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
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and only six months suspended for 2 years ....and 7 years on the register

great may be the fall but Joe Public wouldn't get that leniency....

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Is the man who sent the images to  him in gaol?
13:11 Mon 16th Sep 2024

And yes, I'm bladdered so might have something to say on this issue. aNd it wont be kind.

hE should of been locked up.

Having said that!, im posting hurty words on a social media platform againgstt a celebruity??

Might get 6 share a room with big Bubba for that for 6 month lol!

Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Prince Andrew and now Huw Edwards.  HRH must be turning in her grave.

"There's something wrong with a justice system that sends people to jail for shouting at police,"

Who got sent to jail for shouting at the police?

Regardless of the horse dung spouted by judges in their summing up, people were jailed for gobbing off at the police. That's plain to see for anyone who has bothered to look.

The police are now a joke.

Which HRH do you mean. Not HM Queen Elizabeth ?

"...people were jailed for gobbing off at the police."

Who are these people and, bearing in mind there is no such offence as "gobbing off at the police", what offence were they convicted of? Tell me that and I'll let you know what they must have done to  be jailed. 

It seems that some folks here have also viewed the images Edwards looked as they assert they include the rape of children?

There were no images of rape.

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