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The national broadcaster do not employ him, Ricochet production company do. It makes programmes for all the UK networks, not just the BBC.

Some of you have the man guilty and ready for the hangman already.

Chap I did business with years ago got accused of something similar and was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

He was let out after 8 months when the same woman accused another of the same thing, and turned out while abroad had accused someone else. This man lost his business because of it. 

We don't know all the facts to the case.

//He was let out after 8 months when the same woman accused another of the same thing//

That's odd - was he pardoned? Was she convicted of perjury?

Yes he was pardoned, don't know what happened to her, but his business had gone down the tubes, doesn't matter how much you tell people you weren't guilty,its to late. Newspapers don't print retractions on the front page.

I always thunked it.

////Newspapers don't print retractions on the front page.////

That really bugs me - they should be given equal or greater exposure than the errant article.

That's odd - was he pardoned? Was she convicted of perjury?

pardoned - very unlikely - you have to admit you have done it.

perjury - you need a witness to er bear witness about the perjured act ( sort of unlikely when it comes to sex)

attempting to pervert the course of justice perhaps



I can't comment about all families, but Mum said she gave up her job as a bank clerk in Barclays the minute she got married. 

In those days it wasn't correct to trample on a man's pride of being able to provide for the family on his own. 


It might depend on area of country, but it certainly highlights how times have changed. 


A thing I was watching on tele a while back suggests that men lost their authority in society decades ago now. 

A lot of young women worked in industry or on the land during the war - I think it became more or less the norm for many & they carried on working after the war.

I'm much older than Renegade and my mother always worked before she had children and after the youngest went to school, until she was 60. Then she did voluntary work.

I don't agree that the BBC should not broadcast the new series of The Repair Shop just because Jay Blades is being accused of being controlling. 


It's not fair on viewers who love the show like I do to be denied it. 


It's not as though hes a pedophile or something. 

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