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Would It Be A Bad Thing If I Told People I'm Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 20:25 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
200 Answers

A colleuge said today he think my boss (checkout manager) would be on my side if he knew and I was looking and managers wouldn't care.



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You're quite right, DDIL.  Abbey doesn't have anything to lose. 

Except ending up out if the frying pan into the fire in another job she isn't suited to. But a risk worth taking And she might as well improve her chances by preparing properly for a possible competence based interview.

NMA, IF she gets the job, I have no doubt that a manager will be out to get her and her hours will be reduced!

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I haven't even told one of my closest friends about selco and I feel bad. Do I bother now?

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DIDL It's fixed shift so can't have hours reduced.

I don't understand why you don't just tell your friends and family the truth. Lying just makes things more difficult.

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All my family know

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I just didn't want to keep telling people jobs didn't work out for me.

I get that, Abbey, but it's just making your life more difficult if you're pretending to work somewhere else, or pretending to actually go to work.

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I am going to work just haven't told them about selco was going to until they dropped my hours.

I know you're going to work, but are you still pretending that you're working more hours?

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No but don't see my friends in week for them to know.

Abbey, you could always go all out to make sure your next job does work out. If it's tough initially, remind yourself of how much you want to be working full-time, earning full- time wages and so on.

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But do I tell them I been working in selco a while?


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Then when I get another job?

Yes, make a special point of it, maybe have prosecco when you do.

Bottomless Douglas?

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Why have a prosecco when telling people?

It's a lot cheaper than champagne but still fizzy.

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