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Swollen Ankles

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JinnyJoan | 10:42 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
22 Answers

Just this past week my ankles swelled about evening time but last night frightened me - the feet and ankles swelled to nearly double size.

After my shower I'm off up to the doctors (can't hear on the phone) to make a GP appointment.

It frightened me a bit being on my own and I always worry if anything happens to me what about my wee Maxie.  





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Jj...if you're OK with using a tablet or a computer...why not a mobile phone? It really would make some aspects of your life easier. In don't have to use it as a phone. You can text or use WhatsApp...and not worry about hearing people.

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pasta - mobile phones make me sad as they have cut off communication with people instead of having a yarn 

social media has been the ruin of the mental health of young people 

no I will never get one and neither will my cousin - 


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Swollen Ankles

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