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On-Line A-Level Maths

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naomi24 | 18:03 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
22 Answers

Can anyone recommend an accredited organisation please? Some have names that give the impression they're affiliated to respected universities but I'm not sure they are.  Any advice would be appreciated.



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Peter Pedant - Why do you always assume that no-one on this site is quite as highly educated as you?

When I took my maths A-levels (Pure and Applied) they were taught in a classroom because there wasn't an on-line anything at that time.

I feel that a large proportion could have been taught remotely, and the actual maths teacher on this forum would appear to agree.

Peter Pedant - Why do you always conclude that no-one on this site is quite as highly educated as you?

because of the quality of the answers I get

so... I conclude you werent a maff master when you said that most ( nay all) learners dont need maths masters and they ( poor calculators) are better off playing golf during a lesson (*)

um - - must be AB on a day with a 'y' in it

(*)optimum strategy - the learner learns anyway, and the maths master ( that was) fits in a round of golf

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On-Line A-Level Maths

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