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R N L I - They've Got A Cheek...

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ToraToraTora | 22:10 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
80 Answers

Just seen their ad asking for money to be left in wills. Well I used to give money to this shower. Now they are are the main importers of illegal immigrants. They go out to find them and ferry them back. They'll get sweet FA from me.

Don't get me started on the border farce......



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These illegal migrants know they will be "rescued" by the RNLI as soon as they set off and reach British waters. They are wating there to pick them up. The sooner the RNLI stop doing this and leave them floundering the better.  It might act as a deterrent. 
06:04 Thu 19th Sep 2024

the link provided by the op says

"Our crews launched 290 times to suspected Channel crossings in 2022 which equates to 3% of the total number of launches for the entire RNLI. During those shouts our volunteer crews saved the lives of 108 people."

so not "most" and also not "main importers" (by your own arguement)

If you look on the RNLI webpage you'll see just how relatively few launches are made for illegal immigrants.

DAVEBRO, in the link TORATORATORA posted to FAQs one of them was,

"What proportion of Channel rescues is the RNLI involved in compared to other agencies such as Border Force? 

This question would be better addressed to HM Coastguard and Border Force. Our crews launched 290 times to suspected Channel crossings in 2022 which equates to 3% of the total number of launches for the entire RNLI. During those shouts our volunteer crews saved the lives of 108 people."

Is it likely the percentage has increased from three percent of launches in 2022 to more than fifty percent this year? 

Apologies BEDNOBS, your post wasn't there when I started and I was interrupted.

Judging from the tone of some of the posts here there are a few ABers who would hold a refugees head under water sooner than let him land and make his claim for asylum.

Sad, indeed.

they are not refugees, they are illgal invaders

i find it odd that the OP thinks it a cheek that a charity asks for money.  thats what charities do. If they didnt, they would cease to exist and many more people would die

get real sandy , they could have applied for asylum in one of the many countries they passed through

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19:20 of course they are asking for money but they are working against the nation so I am less inclined to give it to them.

SK, "they are not refugees, they are illgal invaders"

What about those who are granted Refugee status by the Home Office? 

I think theres been another drowning in the channel, this helecopter has been out there for hours, the other drown ing took place at about 8:20 pm, take a look yourself and you will see HM coastgurd aircraft out there all the time, even over french waters

you and a lot of others ttt.  even more reason tp ask for donations i would have thought


But where else does the light of liberty shine so bright?

Where else could the son of a humble tool maker reach the highest office in the land?

Another draw is the fact we exported the English language to half the world.  We now share a common language with many of those seeking asylum.

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bednobs: "you and a lot of others ttt.  even more reason tp ask for donations i would have thought!" - me and a lot of others what?

"so I am less inclined to give it to them"

it cerainly is shining bright. like moths to a flame the dross of the world are attracted yo here

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they'll do a lot better if they stop assisting the enemy invasion.

I think the donations are falling, i'm seeing lots of adverts for donations for the RNLI, funny, not one shows them with a boatful of migrants

presumably because fewer people would donate

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