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Don't Half Feel Rough

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nailedit | 05:31 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

Despite been given a shed load of valium yesterday, I've hardly slept.




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Hit 'em up for a truck load old mate.

Sleep is an important part of your therapy.

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Not entirely unexpected ozzy. Feel carp just the same.

Just made a cup of tea and spilt half of it because I'm shaking that much. Another 3 hours yet for meds.


Hang in there.πŸ‘

Could possibly be worth it in the long run!

Well done - you're there, you've got thru the night and you're now there ready to face the day. Just look on this as positive - you are gona do this and you're gona come out the other side feeling so so glad that you did x

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I will Smow.

Just had a hot bath and they given me a 10 mil diazipam so feel a little better. πŸ™ƒ

That's good, mate, that stuff works wonders on with the rest and you know you can do it, and it WILL be worth it πŸ€—πŸ¨

So far, so awful , but you've reached Day 2 πŸ˜ƒ

Do you have distractions, other than your phone like books , tele etc to help keep you distracted? 

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Yeah got a TV in my room but flicking through the garbage that's on it only confirms my decision to have binned mine years ago..... 


You hardly slept and felt rough after a session, so you can cope with this

Gotta love free TV Nails, years ago I watched some absolute trash about ambulance call outs in a pommy place called Stoke, well, root me sideways😏

You now have a second or possible a third chance to become the person you would like to be.

Don't *** it up against the wall.

Make a choice, your own choice.


Or maybe a fourth, sorry old mate, I've lost count, but it's up to you nowπŸ‘

Think the expression one day at a time is meant for this situation. Keep going strong 

Keep on keeping on Nailedit, a day at a time, or even an hour.
Well done so far :)

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