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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:08 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Where has this week gone?? Can't believe it's Friday already.MrSmow is just getting ready to leave in a sec for his business trip to meet clients, and not home till tomorrow eve, so just me and the cats today/tonight lol!  Will get my nibbles & tv remote ready for this eve LOL.

Weather report keeps saying bad weather for later on & tomorrow re rain/storms but not sure if that will come to anything or what areas it's meant to cover.  After one of the wettest summers  ever will be interesting to see how this autumn/winter pans out....... Will they be wet too or unusually cold?

Have in-laws popping in bout 5 ish I think on their way home from a days  hospital  tests to just say hi & have a cuppas so will be good to see them for an hour anyway. 
What's everyone's Friday plans?x



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Morning Smo - hope youre feeling better.  Im waiting for Mr Tesco to come  - sooo much unavailable and so many substitutions.  Ho hum   make the best of it x

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Morning Rosie - looks alike it's just u & me  here this morning lol! Yes very very annoying when they have loads of substitutions. You can opt to not accept them tho x

Morning. RAIN not a lot but will help with the fires around here.

It's just started raining here too.  Gloom!

Morning Smoa, going to the shops before the rain comes in this afternoon. Unfortunately have to go the dentist later, not looking forward to it. Had to have top teeth replaced with dentures at the beginning of the year and I am finding it hard to manage. Haven't had what I would call a decent piece of meat since, but lost a stone. I must admit when there is just me I don't wear them. Don't get on with them at all. The joys ao old age!!!

Morning all.  I feel like death (I have manflu) - that serves me right for going out for a change on a Sat night.  Great party but a) I lost a tooth eating a brownie and b) I have got a real bad case of the lurgy.

Thought I better try and make myself feel human and got up this morning.  One of the cats has just brought a mouse in and she lost it in the kitchen.  Unfortunately, it went under the pantry door.  I can't let her hunt in there (too many bottles and randomly balanced stuff) and the mouse must think it is in heaven with ALL THAT FOOD.  I really do despair.

I, too, have had some sort of lurgy and have hardly any voice - my throat feels full of razor-blades. The cat is enjoying my woes as she can now pretend not to hear me telling her off.

Mrs JtH has been away for a couple of weeks and is due back tomorrow, so all those little jobs I decided to put off until today and tomorrow morning, I now have to do whilst feeling like death-warmed-up. 

I think the first order of the day is to.......go back to bed and hope I feel better later.

Good morning all.
I hope you start to feel much better soon Barmaid.
Another dull and overcast day here, I'm sort of hoping it will rain so I don't have to water the newly re-seeded grass tonight.
Meeting my sister for lunch today, we were supposed to be doing it yesterday, but she had overlooked a hospital appointment, so it's today instead.
Other than that - nothing really planned. I'm more of a spur of the moment person than a planner as such. If I feel like going out, I just drop everything and go. Never had the freedom to do that before with MrF being poorly for so many years.
Wishing you all a good day 😀

Good morning from sunny and breezy Devon. I sympathise BM...I've had the snotties all week. Thought it was almost gone on Wednesday, then late night sneezing fits. So another lazy day...though I really must hoover downstairs. When I can see a layer of cat fur, it's needed.

I had my Sainsbury's order substitutions! Would you believe almost 1/3 of what I spent was on cat food? Yikes...Well, it was all on offer. So I stocked up. 

Have a good day everyone. Hope the mouse is found BM 🐁🐭

To add...regarding the lurgy. Daughter keeps mentioning the c***d word. There's a new strain making the rounds.

Morning all. Have you got films lined up for this evening Smow?  BM, thats three things (tooth, mouse , lurgy) so you should be ok now.

Mr Tesco due soon . Then blood test for me later. Mr and I have several health type appoinments in the next week or two, I suppose its the penalty for getting older

Have a nice day everyone, and enjoy spoiling yourself Smow today


I am keeping well dosed up on paracetomal and orange juice (plus the odd hot toddy - purely medicinal, you understand).  

I am, however, surrounded by stupidity.  Having moaned about the stupid cat, she sat by the pantry door and the mouse (clearly even more stupid) left its little haven of free meals for life in a cat free zone, straight into the jaws of the patient pussy.  Said cat then promptly chased it round the kitchen and both of them are now under the units in the utility room.  At least my under cupboard space will be thoroughly de-cobwebbed.

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