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Coop Pension Scheme

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fourteen85 | 09:02 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Spam & Scams
8 Answers

Good morning, My wife has a financial  POA for her auntie who is in a nursing home . today she has recieved an email purporting to be from coop saying ' As you (Auntie) are leaving the pension scheme on October 5th you need to download as many payslips as you need. As she has no idea about leaving the scheme is this a scam of some sort or is something happening to coop pension scheme my wife hasnt heard of?



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Here is the co-op site

ring and ask ( clearly I cant)

and yes it is a scam ( nothing on the website)

Perhaps your wife needs to contact the Coop pension company directly for confirmation and clarification.

is it likely that auntie has been receiving letters and not read/acted on them?

can you hovver your cursor over the senders address and see what it says?

Sounds like phishing email. Contacting Coop to ask is good advice.

How to spot phishing emals: 

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Thanks for your replies, my wife will ring the coop pension scheme to put minds at rest, when she hovers over the address is shows as coming from Coop

off topic (sorry) but Coop TV ads end with the strap line "Owned by you, Right by you"

"Right by you" I can understand as there is one across the road, but I never go in the Coop so how is it "Owned by me"?😕

I found this, The Trustee has agreed a buy-in transaction for the Co-op Section with Rothesay Life PLC, through which Pace has purchased a bulk annuity insurance policy, covering all liabilities required to meet future pensions and delivering greater security to members of the Co-op Section of Pace.24 Nov 2023.


It might be the members are being moved (leaving) one scheme to join another.

If she had such a pension i think it's very likely to be genuine. All that needs to be done is ring or login to the account. It sounds to me that the admin/ managemnt is to be switched over to the new provider so legacy log ins won't be possible soon. As long as you just go through the official websites it should be fine. 

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