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Labour On The Skids Already.

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davebro3 | 07:16 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Politics
41 Answers

//No government has ever dropped so sharply in the polls. //



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But they didn't act on it, Hymie, so you don't have a sound argument - but then there is no excuse for condemning the elderly to cold winters.  Even you know that.

So the Tory supporters are feigning outrage that the Labour government has implemented one of their proposals.

TCL - But then it will be another 'benefit' alongside other benefits. And if you don't qualify for Pension Credit, even by the smallest margin, you won't receive the WFA.

It's hardly what I would understand as means-tested.

Hymie, //So the Tory supporters are feigning outrage that the Labour government has implemented one of their proposals.//


There's no 'feigning' going on.  Labour supporters - the sensible ones at least - are just as disgusted at what this mottley government has done.   You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting it.

The Winter F A ( I actually just coined that name by accident & quite like it 😄)   was a Labour initiative, brought in by Gorden Brown.

Pension Credit is a means-tested tested benefit so that is acting as what is known as a, "passport benefit" for the WFP.

No matter what method of means-testing is used for a benefit and how high the limit is, there will always be those who would be a penny over that limit and miss out on other entitlements.

Just keep sucking it up Davebro . Years to go.   Enjoy.

KHANDRO, it's the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP).

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//Just keep sucking it up Davebro . Years to go.   Enjoy.//

Gully - if you're not simply the troll I think you are Labour will soon convince you how misguided you have been. Enjoy.

It's hardly what I would understand as means-tested.

blimey what a non sequitur from a mathematician !

If Pension cred is means tested ( which it is) and WFA is iinked to pension credit then it is exactly what I would understand as means tested. It's me isnt it?

A implies B, B implies C, then A implies C - modus tollens - I only say that because I know I am speaking to an intellect.


Gully - if you're not simply the troll - - - - DB will say that you need meds soon Gullz. Sticks and stones

mornin' Gullz

oh he has already....

"So the Tory supporters are feigning outrage that the Labour government has implemented one of their proposals."

Rather than fretting over something that didn't happen seven years ago, I think they are more outraged that the Labour government has implemented something that was not among their proposals. 

Bear in mind that there's still time for a rethink.

They've already been forced to dress themselves and that could just be the beginning, not a bunch for toughing things out it seems.

Well, it looks like the Daily Express is correct (at least as far as ABers are concerned); that they have already forgotten how appalling the last 14 years were under the corrupt/incompetent Tories.

Any fool can propose something. Implementing a rejected proposal is something else again.

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//looks like the Daily Express is correct//

Not the "Daily" Express Hymie - just The Express. You are confusing it with The Daily Mail.

Pedantry rules!

Labour has already shown it's true colours.  Hang onto you hat, hymie.  You ain't seen nothing yet!

'surely Labour couldn't be this Stupid '

Oh yes! They seem to me as a party like The Babes in the Wood.

Can we get rid of them now please.  I dread to think what they will do next.

Reform was the sensible option, but, since when were the electorate sensible?

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