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ideological nutjobs...
18:16 Sat 21st Sep 2024

ideological nutjobs...

It's a ridiculous idea. But in keeping with the gradual eroding of landlord/lady rights, and increasing unjustifiable tenant privilege.


Hitting the value of something someone had the sense to invest in means small property owners are being used as a cash cow by what in effect is government theft.


Only the dregs of the political barrel would abuse the citizens they are meant to be working for, in such a way.

Brilliantly, succinctly put, davebro3.

While I may agree with the general thrust of the right wing article re the lack of attention to criticism I have serious doubts about 'good homes at fair rates' when talking about buy to let profiteers.

What they really mean is 'financing the retirement of some who do the bare mimimum to stay within the law'.

I blame Homes Under The Hammer, it was all a bit of harmless if formulaic fun until the whole 'property portfolio' thing kicked off.

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It's like everything they do has obvious effects but they choose to ignore, presumably as dave succinctly puts, for ideological reasons.

Lets upset all the small landlords = fewer places to rent in when there is already a shortage.

Tax rich people = Less tax receipts, poorer people pay more.


Well, if you believe the Telegraph article, there is a £22 billion black hole.

How do they calculate the "black hole" ?

Are they saying we have less the zero in the national coffers ? If so we should be asking all other nations for aid.

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Surely Labour Can't Be This Stupid.....

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