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21:15 ....following that he apparently has a startling revalation that Dolly Parton sleeps on her back.

Maybe Mr Attlee’s statement needs updating to something like:- Any number of Tories and their mates can scam the taxpayer out of billions of pounds through corrupt VIP lanes (PPE) – but a Labour prime minister cannot accept a gift of spectacles.

Hymie, spectacles are the least of your hero's problems.  He was elected in a cacophony of deceit.  

Did he say he wouldn’t accept spectacles as a gift – and what was the deceit that got him elected?

Did you hear him - or any of them say before the election that they were going to stop the WFA for most pensioners?  I didn't - and yet that was was done pretty much immediately he got his foot into No.10.  And I'm pretty sure he said he was going to negotiate pay rises for doctors and railway workers.  I must have missed those negotiations.  The electorate was deceived - but much good it will do him.  Come the next election his feet won't touch the ground, never mind Downing Street.  More to come in October, hymie.  Celebrate whilst you can.

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