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Wow There Are Still Some Sensible Parents Left......

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ToraToraTora | 09:59 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers

When I was a kid if you went home and told your parents you'd got into trouble with a teacher/police etc you'd get a slap from them too. It was also quite common for parents to march their kids up to the cop shop. Good on them.



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Yeah saw that.

I just hope it wasn't all an act.

Growing up I never saw or heard of neighbourhood parents hitting their kids. I was never hit.

I was impressed too

I was Dave and sent upstairs to fetch the stick to hit me with to give to my mother.  Whacked across my bare bottom while leaning over a stool.  Pretending I couldn't find the stick just made things worse.

Growing up I never saw or heard of neighbourhood parents hitting their kids. I was never hit.

and look how  he turned out....

Parents, teachers, strangers, neighbours all had a go at us ( Darzett aaaargh - at times oo - ar !)

Fanny Fall - the nutter of Knutsford - used to  drag the eight year olds across the school floor by their hair

we had Connie - get in the little room you stuppid duffer! also used to lock small kids in cupboards

teachers ( eb) used to kick the kids regularly

Did we learn anything ? well we learnt that schools may not be edifices of learning

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Wow There Are Still Some Sensible Parents Left......

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