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Couldn't Make It Up

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fruitsalad | 17:19 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

Mr Fruit, received a letter, through the post today, for a hospital appointment 2 hours after he should of been there, no phone call, no text just a letter for an appointment he wasn't even expecting. 



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Should have gone to it, could have saved a lot of waiting time.

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Bit scary though, for someone waiting for an urgent appointment, who then lose it because they didn't show up.

Could it be a date misprint? 

What date was it written?

We opted to get our hospital notifications electronically so we get an email and a text every time. One is well in advance, giving us time to change it, the other is a reminder a couple of days before. Cheap for the NHS and very convenient for us.

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TCL the letter was dated the 18th September received today in the post at 12.35 appointment was for today at 10.35am

My Mum got a letter from the local hospital for an appointment that was the same day that the letter was actually dated.  The numpty that typed it didn't even notice.

I went to the eye department of my hospital on 8/8/24. I was told I would hear from them in about three weeks. 10 days later I got a letter from them telling me my aapointment was on the 9/8/2014. I rang them that day (a story in itself) and told them that I was immensely clever but I was not a time traveller. They took it as the joke I meant it to be but after hanging on the phone for ages they gave me an excuse which was obviousy garbage. No problem they gave me another date* (by letter) which was for a few days time. Today I recieved another letter telling me that 'Due to the alteration of a clinic session, the following appointment* has been cancelled.  They gave me a new date. Great, but it's the same date and time! 

No bother, but I hope I don't turn up for nothing.

If the letter was dated 18th it might not have made that day's collection and been collected the following day so that would have been the Thursday.

If it had been sent Second Class, it should have been delivered on Saturday but there's no guarantee.

I would complain about the short notice and ask  that future. appointment letters be sent out in plenty of time or by text message.

It costs the NHS something like £160 for each missed hospital appointment so you might also remind them of that fact.

make sure you ring and tell them - or else he is removed from the waiting list - as cured.

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