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Happy Birthday Smowball (Smow)

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Hazlinny | 03:04 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

πŸ“ πŸŽˆ Many Happy Returns to our lovely GMEB caller ...  hope the day will be full of surprises with lots of pressies, cards and cake. xx




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Happy Birthday, Smow!

Happy Birthday Smow... all the best to you and hope you have a lovely one Xx

I hope that you're this bright and cheerful this morning, Smow πŸ˜Š


Hope you have a very Happy Birthday SmoπŸŒΉβ›„

Happy birthday, Smow

Happy Birthday, Smow.

Hope you'll have a great day.

Have a good day Smow, young at heart.

G'day Smow, all the best, now that you're one day older than yesterdayπŸ˜‡

Happy birthday Smow and thank you for reviving the GMEB thread and making it a friendlier place to be than it had been for some time. Although, please don’t feel obliged to start it off on your birthday! Have a great day.

Happy birthday, Smow. It's always lovely to see you around here xx Have a great day

Ahhhh Thankyou everyone!! xx

HAPPY BIRTHDAY  have a lovely day x

Happy birthday Smow hope you have a lovely day πŸŽ‚

Happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day. xxx



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Happy Birthday Smow, have a great day

 πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    πŸŽ‚    

Ah - happy birthday Smow - hope you have a great day.

Happy Birthday Smow, hope you have a great day xx

Just opened my presents! From a huge wall clock for the garden (from in-laws, it looks fab!), to a fitness tracker, chocolates, a bracelet, book, seeds to plant.... and various cards. Now all I want is to hear from all 4 children, even just a txt will do. Have heard from 3 of them so far, so there is hope lol! 

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Happy Birthday Smowball (Smow)

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