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BA for sandy

I thought that very thing when the news said - "Israel heavily bombed Lebanon and killed 728 people. They said they had done everything to avoid er killing people"

and the world  says "so what"

they have killed 50 children. these aren't precision attacks, they don't care who they hit. 

Mornin' untittled - I thought you might be along, being  contrary and sworn at, you nardy nardy troll you

I  note - "ged oudda here we are going to bomb you to Gehenna or  somewhere" - was used to creat panic 1940 France

and then by the Americans 1945 before they  flattened Caen - and by heck they knew how flatten things by then!

actually quite a good article

Get real, untitled.  The Islamists are still holding Israeli children hostage - that's if they're still alive.  

untitled: "once again israel has created its own enemies. let's not forget they were pouring hundreds of millions into hamas for years because they did not want gaza to unite with the west bank. and now look what has happened. " - yeah they went on a murderous spree of unspeakable attrocities and this is the direct consquence of that. Israel tried to give them a chance to be civilised and they blew it. Everthing that has happened and will happen in this latest chapter is at the door of Hamas from Oct 7th. Hamas started it and Hamas can end this at any time.

"The Islamists are still holding Israeli children hostage"

best kill dozens more elsewhere then. I'm sure that will help 🙄

Who do you want to kill more children, untitled?

You will never change the Hamas supporters inds TTT, just look at the rediculous 'arguments' they try to make to justify supporting (evn if by proxy) terrorists.

Same two on here every time.

Same two on here every time.

same two  saying there are too  many dead children in all this? yup - guilty as charged  ( thx to The Office).

and I have to say "answered" by one liners like 'and what about Oct 7th ? No answer for that, have you, you antisemite!"

Sandy //Tell that to the Palestinians who once lived on the West Bank.//

You really should go and study history - I'm tired of trying to explain the sequences which have taken place since the formation of Israel.

I wonder how many times they tried to verify the figures provided by Hamas and Hezbollah as fatalities / injuries. Its way to soon to have anything accurate.

I note that many of those who dismiss the deaths of scores of children in the middle east are those who shrug their shoulders at the deaths of children crossing the channel.

There's a pattern of utter apathy and disregard for the lives of the very young amongst many in here, and I find that just as disgusting as some antisemitism that has been shown.


Israel lies like a malignant growth in the body politic.

That's my opinion.

Could you explain to me the justification for 750,000 land grabbers occupying areas of the West Bank?

sandyRoe, would you like Israel to be wiped from the face of the earth?

mozz: "I note that many of those who dismiss the deaths of scores of children in the middle east are those who shrug their shoulders at the deaths of children crossing the channel." - no one is dismissing the deaths but they are all avoidable. Hamas stay home on Oct 7th, sorted. Don't cross one of the worlds most dangerous stretches of water with your kids on a lilo. You are in a safe country already. Also sorted.

Yes,Mozz,i notice a lot of those on here who seem to show concern for the recent deaths of children in the past few days didnt show the same concern for the children murdered on 7th October.Strange that?

I'm tired of trying to explain the sequences which have taken place since the formation of Israel.

and the liberation of a million or so residents down to Gaza



I would be happy with a two state solution, as would the great majority of Palestinians.

But that's not going to happen because Israel doesn't want it.

Supporting a two state solution means I don't want to see the destruction of Israel.

this comic is from 1982... how little things change

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