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Draught Pronunciation

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barry1010 | 14:33 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
25 Answers

How do you pronounce it? To rhyme with raft or laugh-t?

Is there a regional difference ?



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before the   Gt Vowel shift ( ding ding 1375)

cat was cat but the long a in /name/ was narmer and shifted to naym - other shifts too

but some stayed - heart, darling but not dear, father, varsity, clerk

and I just wondered if this were connected to draft (1) and draaaaaft (2)

Draft covers beer, wind blowing under the door, and an unfinished piece of written work 

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I'm definitely English.

"Draft beer is beer that is served from a cask or keg, rather than from a bottle or can. It is also known as draught beer, and the spelling depends on the region:

American English: Uses "draft"

British English: Uses "draught" '

I'll ask my auntie, pronounced anti.

I'd say laughed not laugh t

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Draught Pronunciation

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