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Starmer Pursues Benefit Fraud

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CrapatCryptics2 | 22:25 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | News
7 Answers


Maybe he should chase rent and council tax arrears as well. They throw benefits at people on low incomea and pensions but has it not sunk in that many of these people havent worked much during their life or made any provision for a better pension.



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I'll believe it when I see it. These people are guaranteed labour voters. 

The point of a safety net is to catch all citizens needing it, not just those who helped create it.


That stated, yes any abuse of the system needs stopping. But at the same time government needs to ensure what benefits there cover citizen's needs; but not necessarily their wants.

It's an old chestnut - sort out the benefit cheats & the tax evaders. Sounds good but never seems to achieve much.

Wont happen dream on.

He should pursue the Covid fraudsters whilst he's at it.

Does anyone know how I can find out if a self-employed person I know had a Covid bounceback loan using the Freedom of Information Act?  I have good reason to believe he availed himself of this scheme and spent it on holidays and home improvements. 

Was the Mail article an attempt to highlight use/abuse of the benefits system or just an excuse to post an assortment of photos of this person in various poses?

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