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Starmer Says Tories Should Apologise For Winter Fuel Payments Cut....

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naomi24 | 10:22 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
22 Answers

...ahead of possible conference defeat//



No, Mr Starmer.   This was your government's decision.  Having an 'oops' moment now and blaming the other bloke because you're unnerved by rebellion in your own ranks isn't going to wash with the public.  This won't be forgotten.



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it will be forgotten

I think the Tool has lost it.

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I think he's getting nervous.  I don't think he bargained for opposition from the unions.

They keep going on about this mythical 22bn "hole". They've given 9bn to doctors and train drivers and 11.6bn to foriegners. If there is a hole they created it.

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That 'hole' is in their own accounting.  They haven't got the money to do what they want to do.

Untitled //it will be forgotten//

Have you forgotten already that Margaret Thatcher (Milk Snatcher) stopped children over 7 getting free school milk in 1971?

erm it didn't exactly harm her careeer did it

No but it's never been forgotten. The freebies and WFA will label Starmer for life.

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Untitled, why do you think it will be forgotten?  This is not the only winter the elderly will be struggling to pay their bills,  It's going to be every winter.

Thinking outside the box - maybe they should incorporate the  winter fuel allowance permanently into the (old) lower rate of OAP. It would then go predominantly to poorer pensioners and would be taxed for those liable to tax.

A bit of "levelling up".

Labour will spend the next 4/5 years blaming every single awful decision it makes on the previous administrations.

Buckling to Union demands? Yup - blame the Tories.

Raising direct and indirect taxes?  Yup - blame the Tories.

Losing control of immigration? Yup - blame the Tories.

Letting the NHS crumble? Yup - blame the Tories.

Failing to shake-up the education system? Yup - blame the Tories.

Buckle-up, it's going to be a bumpy ride...

i think it will be forgotten because there's five more years ahead. 

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 And four more winters ....

11.00 JTH Spot on. I Blame the Tories also for the last 14 years of running the Country for their own personal gain .

Yes, he was right to attack that proposal in the commons, but he will say it was before they found this mythical "black hole" of £22bn in the economy. Tweren't Labours' fault! 

I'd like to see some figures, some actual proof, of this "black hole". How did they find it? Where did they look? Who gave them the details? Show us all of that.

Blame the Conservatives then come the next election which I dont believe will be in four plus years when they are rejected say we didnt have enough time.

11:36 PMSL, Jack is not praising Labour there me old china!

Thick as a brick TTT.🤣

I have seen 2 of Starmer's front bench Lisa Nandy and Wes Streeting saying that pensioners will be better off this year thanks to Labour.  Can anyone tell me how this is possible as all I have seen so far is money taken away from us.  Then to rub more salt in wounds I see Starmer has taken another £20,000 donation so that his son can get some peace to study for his GCSE's.  I would have already thought he gets much more peace to study than many children his age.

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