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I'll Lose My Wfa But I Think I've Found..

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sandyRoe | 20:29 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

...a way to lessen the impact of its loss.

I'm giving up my television and won't need a license any more.

The money saved will go some way to heat my poor old bones over the winter.

I felt I needed to share this useful tip.



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You will be able to turn down your heating and sleep with a couple of cats under the duvet.  How are the monsters?

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It took a while but they're the best of friends now.

DJ+ Cookie

That's lovely - our first three cats always slept together in an entangled huddle. 

I though Cookie was called something else, he must be hard work.  Baby cats are hyperactive.😂

Are you really giving up your tv Sandy?

He's going to jack in the box.

I have a DJ and Cookie too

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No.  But I'm thinking of stopping paying the TV licence.


Did you get another cat sandy? when did you sneak that in?

Over 65's don't pay for a tv licence

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My friend, who's a 3 black cat lady, said I should get a second one to keep DJ company.

She hissed and cuffed him about the ears a few times but they're friends now.


DJ was a rescue and that was her name she came with.

Cookie, a kitten about 12 weeks, just seemed to fit the name.

Unfortunately they do Smowball 

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You've caught me out in a lie.  I don't pay for a licence, never have.😆

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Here's the kitten

So cute 🥰

Sandy, has he been 'de-balled' yet?.


lol @ Sandy!

DDIL - I always thought they did. Apologies.

SMOW, "Over 65's don't pay for a tv licence"

"You can get a free TV Licence if you, as the licence holder, are 75 years or older and you, or your partner living at the same address, receive Pension Credit"

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It should be about another 3 months before his date with the chopper.

He's gorgeous...those eyes!

Male cats can be done at 4 months...he looks pretty close. Don't wait...he'll make your home smelly.

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