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I'll Lose My Wfa But I Think I've Found..

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sandyRoe | 20:29 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

...a way to lessen the impact of its loss.

I'm giving up my television and won't need a license any more.

The money saved will go some way to heat my poor old bones over the winter.

I felt I needed to share this useful tip.



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You need a TV licence if you stream any BBC from net, including iPlayer and YouTube.

Or what? Have you had a look around Canary?


What's a TV licence?

Do you have to pass a test proving you're capable of turning it on and off using a remote control?

If so, I'd probably fail😒

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You might be thinking of Floki the first cat I had.  He died in the vets.


well you voted them in.

Bit more than that Cancary

BBC Content:

You also need a licence to stream on-demand TV and live BBC channels, plus thousands of hours of exclusive box sets and content on BBC iPlayer.

Non BBC content.

If you live stream the latest series, news or sport online, from services like ITVX, Sky Go, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Netflix and Freely.

Not had a licence for a few years now, never watch live TV so no use paying it.  Saw some at my daughters recently and had forgotten how annoying ads were!

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Not me.  

If I lived in Islington I'd have voted for Corbyn.

I actually voted for the SDLP, a middle brow, middle of the road party.

So why do you post like a lefty then?

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The DUP held two seats in Belfast for years because the opposition vote was split.

In North Belfast the SDLP stood aside and , with s clear run, Sinn Fein won it.

In South Belfast Sinn Fein stood aside and the SDLP took the seat.

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