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Not Looking Good For Brexiteers.

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gulliver1 | 15:24 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
31 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer is set to pay a visit to EU Headquarters Brussels. Next  week in a bid to reset relationships with the EU.The PM has lined up talks with Ursula von der Leyen after the pair met at the UN Summit in New York last night.Sir Keir is determined to repair ties with the EU after years of Brexit wrangling ..Are these the first steps to opening the door for the UK to rejoin the EU . It certainly looks like it. Good.



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If he does then Labour will never be trusted again.


Labour will never be trusted again for what it's already done.  The coming October budget will be yet another nail in the coffin.

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drmorgans.... "If he does then Labour will"... be in power for the next ten years

Surely Two-Tier-Free-Gear wouldn't try to overturn a democratic vote to leave the EU? 



Very good.

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11.34 He would.... and he should.

So you, yourself, do not believe in Democracy then, gulliver1?

Have you considered living somewhere where democracy does not exist?  Perhaps Saudi Arabia?

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After all Boris did some outrages things for his own advantage... I/E. On the 28TH Aug 2019 Closed Parliament just to  suit him after lying to the Queen.

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11.59 Have you considered living somewhere like Russia Perhaps ?

12:06. No, why would I want to live in Russia?

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I am sure that if we had remained in the EU .They wouldn't have sent the UK so many immigrants. It's almost like they are punishing the UK for leaving the EU.

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