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What Was No 1 On The Day You Were Born?

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ToraToraTora | 14:41 Mon 20th May 2024 | Music
44 Answers

Mine was Frank Ifield, I remember you. Died today so I thought I would ask the ABers who their's were.



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Mine was The Monkees: "I'm a Believer"

Thanks for unearthing that one Buenchico.  Try doing a quick step to that one!

On my birthday it was It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't got that Swing - Duke Ellington

For the year as a whole - 1932 - it wS Night and Day - Fred Astaire. 

I love both of them

For yhh

"You Always Hurt The One You Love"

By the Mills Brothers.

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What Was No 1 On The Day You Were Born?

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