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A&E Doctor 'Refused' To See Woman Before She Died

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naomi24 | 11:15 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
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//A senior doctor refused to see a woman who died of an asthma attack after 39 hours sitting in a chair in A&E, an inquest heard.

Marina Young died at the Royal Preston Hospital on 22 June 2022 after a "gross failure to provide adequate assessment and medical care".

The inquest in Preston heard a senior doctor had refused to see her even though her life was at risk, coroner Dr James Adeley said.

He concluded her death at the age of 46 due to asthma was "preventable".//


An utterly appalling story.  How can we have faith in the NHS?



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I was shocked at this news report, absolutely unforgivable that anyone should die of neglect whilst in hospital.

I still have faith in the NHS based on past and current experience, as a family we cannot fault them.  Between us we have regular check up with consultants for heart, lungs, cancer, glaucoma, COPD, and autoimmune diseases.  My oldsters get excellent care from our GP and his nurses.  My recent eye operation went extremely well with kindness from everyone. 

I really hope that this lady was the exception to the norm, and not me and my family.

A disgraceful litany of failure.

I believe that appalling stories such as this one are in the minority, but that doesn't excuse even one such instance occurring.

I have never had cause for complaint about my experiences with the NHS & consider myself fortunate in that regard.

Sadly the NHS is on its last legs.  My daughter gave up working in a Hospital and became a GP instead as she was sick of banging her head against lazy doctors togethre with  incompetant and lazy  Management.

Mind you my GP is awful.  Given up with them and just pay to go private these days.

After 15 years of underfunding and undermining it's bound to be in a poor state. but if Labour tried to address it, the media would crucify them for extravagance.

The Corporations (including large Health and Pharmaceutical Companies) now run this country.

//After 15 years of underfunding and undermining //

That is absolute rubbish.  Tackle the waste and bloated Management, but of course if the TINOs dared they were acussed by the likes of you of trying to privatise it.

Honestly you lefties have no clue.

My GP surgery is excellent - but the local hospital is not.

In Feb. I broke my hip dramatically.  It was complicated and the original hip-replacement liner had pulled some of the pelvic bone away, leaving a jagged hole.  It was agonising.

At A&E  I was X-rayed, damage established and then spent 27 hrs. on a trolley in a corridor - nurses gave me morphine and talked of an op. in the morning.

In the morning the Dr. (surrounded by students to whom he was obviously showing-off) informed me that he had decided to treat the hip as elective and he was discharging me - adding that he didn't know what they could do about it.  That was it. OH had to take me home, no pain control offered.

The surgery was great and swung into action and 1 month later I had an op.--- I was told later that I could have been paralysed for life.  

I have no faith in the NHS.

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A&E Doctor 'Refused' To See Woman Before She Died

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