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Shameless Boris Says He Made A Mistake Apologising For Partygate.

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gulliver1 | 11:02 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
82 Answers

Boris says the scandal from partygate was the downfall of him and the Cons. His apology was the beginning of the end of his days as PM. Now Defiant Johnson, rather than feeling a sense  of remorse claims his mistake was to Apologise for Partygate. I was just trying to defuse public anger with pathetic apologies even though I knew nothing about what I was apologising for. And the band played believe it if you like🤣



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> Boris was stabbed in the backYes, he never did that to anybody else, did he? Live by the knife, die by the knife ...But apart from that - he is a charlatan and an inveterate liar, that should never have been Prime Minister of a great country like ours ...
17:30 Sat 28th Sep 2024

Countless? Really? ...

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