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O F A H: Was It A Mistake To Make Del And Rodders Millionaires?

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ToraToraTora | 12:58 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
36 Answers

Sir David thinks so and I agree. The charm of the show was partly to do with the tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. What do we think.

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I love "Stage Fright" - the whole episode is a vehicle to set up the joke at the end, bwilliant!

ToraToraTora - yes, I remember that line. Hilarious! 😂

//Many funny moments 

From the hand gliding episode 

''Is that our carphone I can hear ringing Rodney?

'No! We ain't got a carphone! '//

Re my above post - the quote is of course not funny in itself . You need to be  aware of the episode storyline 

Indeed TTT - and prior to that in the whole episode he hadn't said a word with an R. It was just brilliant writing leading all the up to the joke that nobody saw coming. And the look on Raquel's face was priceless.


For me though, if I was to choose any scene where I could go back and see it for the first time it was when the dolls inflated behind Del's bar. I can remember watching it for the first time and that was when I appreciated the phrase of "side-splitting". I was laughing so hard it was difficult to catch my breath.

I appreciate humour is completely subjective, but I just don't get people who say Fools wasn't funny.

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dd: "Indeed TTT - and prior to that in the whole episode he hadn't said a word with an R. It was just brilliant writing leading all the up to the joke that nobody saw coming. And the look on Raquel's face was priceless." - Early on he sings Delilah in the club and he sings "push down the door" instead of "break down the door" but you only notice that when you watch again, first time you don't notice. In the actual performance TPJ's facial acting when Tony Angelino is doing his part of the duet is amazing, it's the expressions that say , "I know what's comming..." etc - then he nails it...."Caaawyaaying....." stunning, to watch that first time was wonderful, not sure but I think Philip Pope actually did sing that.

That would probably be disallowed now for mocking the afflicted.  

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It has been hacked to pieces naomi, I spot missing dialogue all the time. Which often makes a mess of the episode if you don't realise it's gone. Must keep the Trobiscites happy. Thankfully I have most of it on DVDs preserved.

Talking about Del's baby

Trigger:  If it's a girl they're gonna name it Sigourney, after the actress.  And if it's a boy they're gonna name him Rodney, after Dave.

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yeah that was hilarious maggie!

Have to agree with those that think "The Jolly Boys Outing" was one of the best episodes.

Is this Monkey Harris, Paddy the Greek, Sunglasses Ron, and Ugandan Morris sitting at the back of the bus  !!


The Class of 62, and To Hull and back, are also up there.

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never heard of Ugandan Morris, I know of the others though, interesting theory.

Ugandan Morris gets a mention in Heroes and Villains. 

Haven't heard his name mentioned in any other episodes.

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Thanks I'll keep an ear out in H&V next time. Though the JBO was long before H&V so that one must be retrospective as far as the coach goes.

Del, Boycie, and Trigger are sitting in the Nags Head. Boycie says that Del Boy was looking for an exporter.

Ugandan Morris was an ex porter, he used to work for British Rail.

Possible his name might be mentioned in other episodes, I just haven't heard it  !!

One of the funniest series ever written. Dread to think how many times I've watched every episode. Never fails to make me laugh, even when I know what's coming.

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