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Recommendation For (Loft) Ladders

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mizfiesta | 15:59 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
6 Answers

I am looking to buy a set of ladders which are safe enough for me to use to get up and down from the loft. I'm only up there once in a blue moon, so don't want to spend a fortune on a 'built in' ladder and hatch.

I'm a lady of a certain age, and I'm very wary of falling over the banister adjacent to my loft and down a long flight of stairs - it's perillous lol! So maybe a set with something to grip onto. Thanks in advance :-) 



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You might find something here. I use just a tall stepladder to get into my loft, and the ladder hasn't a handrail or anything similar.

I can only recoomend that you get a proper loft ladder fitted despite the fact that you want to keep the cost down. If it's not built-in the ladder will have to be longer than the height of you landing in order to reach into the loft of folding step ladder which you set on the landing when you want to use it. Manouvering a long ladder into place can be tricky and you are likely to fall over the balcony when putting it into position. Falling off a step ladder is as easy as falling off a log. Do it properly, you won't regret it.

Accordint to reviews this loft ladder is easy to install, lightweight and has a handle

You could get a telescopic ladder that packs down very small. User Recommendationref=sr_1_6?crid=

I have a 4m one I use for gutter hight. Its excellent. 2.9m should do you.


mjw - good idea. I've had a similar one for about 20 years now for outside use and they are brilliant. No handrail though - depends how important mizfiesta thinks it is.

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Thanks for all your suggestions folks :-) Much appreciated.

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Recommendation For (Loft) Ladders

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