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Arksided | 13:31 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
107 Answers

Hi everyone the last one no longer appears in recent posts...

Many know how to play new players are always welcome, they isn't rules as such just post a song lyric that follows on from the previous one. 
Feel free to have a natter along the way, artist is optional although helpful if a little obscure all I ask is you play nice Xx

The first poster has free choice for an opening song lyric of this 'new' thread.    



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Burning bridges never made me cry
I could walk away with no goodbye
Easy take or easy leave them all
'Til you scratch the writing on the wall
It's on and off and on again
Going on and then

Taking all I got again
Bleeding me, leaving me dry
You're hanging on for what you can
Dragging out the pain
Taking all I give again
Faking it, making me cry
One day some day I may slide away
Turn around and call it all a day

Status Quo

Don't walk away

Listen to your heart

Hear what it says

'Cause your heart won't lie

Danger Danger

Question Author

Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key


We had it all
Just like Bogie and Bacall
Starring in our own late, late show
Sailing away to Key Largo

I've got the key
I've got the secret
I've got the key
To another way
Ah ah ah ah ah ah
A ha a ha


Unlock my heart

Oh, when we turn
The page we'll find
The way your mind
Is wondering again
To a place where
I can't really find
Wherever you are
Please wait for me there

The Good Natured

Wond'ring aloud
How we feel today
Last night sipped the sunset
My hand in her hair

We are our own saviors
As we start
Both our hearts beating life
Into each other

Wond'ring aloud
Will the years treat us well
As she floats in the kitchen
I'm tasting the smell

Of toast as the butter runs
Then she comes
Spilling crumbs on the bed
And I shake my head

And it's only the giving
That makes you what you are

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