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They did say a week or so back that they were going to give them all social housing - but there's a snag.  they've got to build it first.

Question Author

you mean the fought the election promising things that they knew they couldn't deliver?

Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!

Another three years.  Meanwhile the boats keep coming.  More hotels then.

And when all the Hotels are full?

Someone needs to get a grip on this, TINO's failed, now labour seem to have given up. 

When will we get a leader who has a pair?

All these hotels being used by illegals is even putting up the price of our holidays.  They take over hotels which tax payer pays for then the other hotels in that area put up prices for us to use often before flights so really we are paying twice.  That is on a light note before people start complaining but it is true in some ways.

Im pointed this out quite a while back but was derided on here by the usual who want unfettered immigration legal or not.

these Express links are behind a paywall for me - it's very annoying!

They shouldnt be, did you say no to ads because they want you to accept ads or pay.  Which is reasonable, they are not a charity.

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no idea why that would be dave. I have no account with any of the papers. Have you tried the judge's trick of pressing escape repeatedly while it's loading? That works for the Telegraph.

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can you just try going to

Try this

‘Another pledge broken' Tories and Reform slam Starmer's huge U-turn on migrant hotels (


For some reason AB wont past the msn link.

Sir 2TK now becomes Sir UT2TK 🤣

Seems to be browser related. Chrome OK, Firefox not.

Question Author

odd, I use FF and it's fine. I have ublock origin though.

"...will now continue to be housed in hotels for up to three years..."


Then it should be at MP's personal expense as there is no justification for it. It takes moments to ask from which country they crossed over to the UK, and if it was from a safe country then putting them on transport to return them there. No hotel stay needed nor allowed. Anyone who refuses to say, or fails to prove an unlikely claim, can be whisked off to Rwanda or similar. And b any dodgy legal loopholes. Ignore them, and correct your legislation immediately as they come to light.

The fear of being accused of racism trumps everything else. Common sense takes a back seat.

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Labour Breaks Another Pledge........

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