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Winter Fuel Cut Savings Will Be Far Less Than Reeves Expected

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naomi24 | 11:05 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
26 Answers

//a new analysis suggests that a surge in claims for pension credit since the cut was announced means that any savings could be significantly lower than the Treasury had anticipated. In just eight weeks, applications have increased by 152%.//



That, together with the estimated extra cost to the NHS of £169 million has the potential of seeing Reeves score a devasting home goal.



Has she done her sums - and if so, has she got them right?



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Good - I hope everyone eligible applies for & gets pension credit.

It'll save the Labour scum right.


The rise in pension credit claims should have been expected.  Now more pensioners with savings over £10k realise they might qualify and are being encouraged to apply, it's going to increase a lot more

I tell everyone I know over pension age to apply. 

The Government has been encouraging folk to claim Pension Credit.

"Over a million pensioners will still receive the winter fuel payment, while many others will also benefit from the £150 warm home discount to help with their energy bills over winter, and we have already seen a 115% increase in pension credit claims following the launch of our awareness campaign.”

Up here in Scotland the benefits system is a devolved issue.The SNP will presumably be paying out the WFA to the Scottish pensioners.They promised they would a few years back.

//The Government has been encouraging folk to claim Pension Credit.//

Haha, only after the MSM pushed Robber Reeves in to it.

Vile and nasty Party.


Ynnafymmi, although it is a devolved issue, I'm sure the Scottish government said in August that they had no (financial) option but to follow Westminster's lead with the WFA.  I'm afraid I can't do links.

civil servants dont  do things like - count

(Anthony Barber when chancellor really did use matches)

Thanks, barry1010.

paying out the WFA to the Scottish pensioners.They promised they would a few years back.

hahahahaha - what a joke - when can you tell if a politician is  lying


@11.54.The SNP seems to have plenty money for fake embassies abroad and sending our tax-payers money over to the Palestinian terrorists or publishing lies about IndyRef2.The Scottish pensioners seem to come a long way down their list of priorities.

Ynnafymmi, thanks for that latest info, and glad I could help you with the WFA stuff.

They could part x the camper van (if they find it)

@12.09.But the SNP always come across as being squeaky clean.They are bigger crooks than the rest of the political parties combined.Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.😢

ynnafymmi, this thread is about the Winter Fuel Payment and Pension Credit, not the SNP.

Please stick to the topic.

" Could be"???

Yes could be: It hasnt happened yet.

But no different to Robber Reves' claim on how much the Treasury will benefit from her vile and ideological polcies.

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