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Ebay ...Selling Is Now Free

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pomona | 10:08 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Shopping & Style
12 Answers

What does this mean?...I thought their selling fees were increasing on Oct 1st...??



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For private sellers, except for cars.


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How will they make any money then if there are no selling fees?

How will they make money? There are far more business sellers on ebay than private.

As nicebloke says, but they need the numbers of people on the site to make it look busy hence the "free" ads for private sellers.

People now tend to avoid private sales because of the many scams. Unless someone is selling private local to where you live and you can go and collect the item, its now become to risky and ends up being a pain in the bum.

I've never experienced that apart from once many years ago.  Was refunded immediately.

But I am sure it happens, probably with the "business" sellers too.

I buy a lot from private sellers, have done a fair bit of selling.  No problems so far.



So have i barry, bought not done any selling. But you are not really going to hear of the many that have been done over by some sellers. On line selling / trading in general has become a bit risky, but in fairness to ebay a lot of the problems have come from facebook markets where you stand no chance of getting your money back.

People who have been done over are very quick to complain, we do hear about them.

Dropping the sellers has massively increased traffic in Germany where eBay has been trialing it for a while. 

This is good news. It will help to keep the private sales section alive and thriving as it's the far safer option than others such as FB Marketplace. 

I would never use FB marketplace 

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Thanks for all the replies.....will save me a job putting my prices up accordingly... just have to up the postage prices on some items where charges increase next Monday.

This will be why there was no 70% off fees offer last Friday....

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Ebay ...Selling Is Now Free

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