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Naked Statue Of Trump......

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ToraToraTora | 10:51 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

I assume there'll be no complaining when the naked statue of Harris is comleted.



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Is he standing proudly erect 3T?🤨

Haha, you can just imagine the howls of outrage from the left if that happened.

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You can bet there are sculptors on the case right now!

I have to say, what is the point though?

Do they really think that will persuade people to vote Democrat?

I would have thought it more likley to have turned people off them if all they have is childish thinks like that to do.

Very odd,

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no it's a lefty thing, they like to humiliate, deride what they don't understand. It's why they allowed that balloon of Trump over London.

I thought that was just due to Khant being a plonker.

A further example of the childish toxicity the American election is generating.

The world is in too fragile a state at the moment for these sort of antics to have any place.


It will join the Davids by Donatello and Michaelangelo.

Great art, the Donald will be flattered.

And your comment on a HArris one Sandy?

There's a lot more harmful stuff than this when "families drive through Las Vegas".

It also allows us to give thanks that the great man can afford clothes in the day-to-day.

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Perhaps Rodders can lend him his Moss Bros card.

So howls of outrage from Righties is OK, but (speculated) howls of outrage from Lefties is not.  'Nuff said.

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Naked Statue Of Trump......

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