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Still Not Looking Good For The Defeated Tories

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gulliver1 | 15:23 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
11 Answers

Tees Valley Mayor ..Ben Houchem has delivered a damning verdict about the Conservatives current state, admitting it will take  "Years"   Before they are in a position to even think about pushing for power .He says after such a crushing GE Defeat his party has much to ponder to ever get back on track. At the conference today he also said people aren't stupid .We can see what we did wrong now.                                  I could have told them where they went wrong long before this conference.



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Take a holiday Gulliver, you're boring.

The thing is that Labour are heading towards a similar crushing GE defeat, for similar reasons.


It'll take a third party to really inform both what they did wrong.

With the support they are currently getting from Labour I think the Tories will come storming back!🤣

I'm with Canary on this - again.

a week is long time in Politics - Harold Wilson

How long do you think Tool and the Gang will last?

The Tories have the best part of 5 years to get things ship shape and Bristol fashion.

Labour have stumbled coming out of the starting stalls, but they've time to steady up.

After the next election it's likely the major parties will be better matched.

The way Tool and the gang are carrying on they'll struggle to stay one parliament.

This lot will be out on their ear next time round - if they last that long.  Watch out for Reform.

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 15.25 Maybe you might consider having a day off yourself Canary .If your owner opens the cage door for you.

Just getting togged up for your night out with the Labour Maltesers gully?  Bet that's a hoot! 🤣

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Still Not Looking Good For The Defeated Tories

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