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Why You Should Fly Your Own Country's Airline

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Canary42 | 18:22 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

British Broadcasting Corporation guy complaining about no wheelchair on plane - That will teach him, he should have used British Airways       




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What,at almost double the price?

I fly BA if they fly to the destination I want and if the times are right.  Otherwise I have to take what's an offer. Maybe that's why he flew with the Polish airline.

I think Canary might be playing with us.

I would guess all airlines are the same. They're not going to have wheelchairs on board until they're made to by whoever is in charge of these things.
One reason Husband and I haven't been on holiday for years is that there's no guarantee of help at each end of the journey. 

Didn't occur to OP that a BA flight may not have been available.

(Or, that things don't always go to plan with BA ).

Wasn't Tanni Grey-Thompson stuck on a BA flight recently? (not sure)

I imagine most airlines cater for disabled people.  Mr Gardner must be a frequent flier.  He would know what to expect.

Do we own British Airways ?

-- answer removed --

// Wasn't Tanni Grey-Thompson stuck on a BA flight recently?  //

she was stuck on a train - operated by LNER, but the identity of the train company is largely irrelevant.

they all paint rainbows on their trains and claim to be inclusive, but they are not, none of them. The disabled are nowhere in sight.

BA sub-contract flights to various airlines, so if there is a BA flight advertised to say, Barcelona, it may well be subbed out to a Spanish airline. Or one to/from warsaw would be subbed out to a Polish airline.



Boring Canary.. get back in your cage and eat your millet.

19:04 Tue 01st Oct 2024Report       says the idiot who fills news with hiscarp

Question Author

Sorry, I should have posted in Chatterbank.  

And yes, I'm well aware of the points you've all made.

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