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Good Morning Wednesday Birds…

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Smowball | 09:11 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Good morning everyone! Had a dreadful nights sleep, but that's typical so no change there. Had a lot on my mind, but that's another post for later I think.  Very very busy evening online with orders work-wise, probably the busiest I've had, so a busy morning here  sorting them all out, but that's a good kind of work.

Incredibly dark outside here, looks really grim, and we're not even into winter yet. : (. Could be worse - I watched an episode of '24 Hours in A & E' lastnight and some poor (or mad) sod decided to take up parasailing, and on this day he'd ended up hurtling down towards a semi-detached house - instinctively put both his feet out to try and stop the impact & hit the house full on with both feet.......needless to say he didn't come out of it too great, but he survived.....(the things people do for fun!!)



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Morning Smow and all.

Talking of bad nights I took am a poor sleeper and am considering taking magnesium. It's supposed to help.

Morning, there must have been something in the air because, unusually for me, I was awake for quite a while in the night.  

Same here, I think I must be a founding member of the Insomniacs  Club. Grey and cool here. The highlight of my day is a nursey appointment at my GPs at lunch time, go me

Crikey!  Don't overdo it, Rosetta.  What a little devil!  😂

I shall try to calm down Naomi. And breathe


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lol morning gang x

Yep my sleep has always been bad but it's on another level lately - 3 hours is the absolute max I will get in a night - I must be surviving on fresh air!! Will take a look at magnesium, thanks.

Ive got a couple of Amazon deliveries today, a work delivery (DPD), and then have to  drop all of these orders off between Inpost,Yodel, Evri & actual local customers houses.....

You must be driving ok now then, smow.  Foot all better?

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Hi Naomi, foot/toe is actually still just as painful but swelling seems to have gone down, and as you don't really press the outer side of your left foot when driving I'll be able  to do this  - all the drop off points are local. 

Morning all, it must be in the air or something - poor night's sleep here too, not to worry.
Cleaner coming this morning, then I really MUST go and do some shopping, I was reduced to eating the crust off the loaf yesterday - I was so desperate for a bit of toast. Barely any butter or milk left either, so no choice today but to go out.
Woke up to it actually NOT raining this morning, makes a change.
Have a good day :)


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Ferlew, yep as soon as cleaner has been nip straight to the shops before it starts to rain again!

Morning Smow & all. Sharing a king size bed with my 9 year old granddaughter at the moment but sleeping surprisingly well! Not always though. I've started taking Magnesium but have had indigestion last few days. I wonder if it has caused this? Weather has been miserable last few days. Looks as though its trying to brighten up.. Not up to much today. Will fetch granddaughter from school later.


Good Morning all. If there's something in the air it hasn't reached here, I slept like a log last night.  Nothing planned for today so may try a little housework for a change 😁

Good morning Smow and all. In a much better frame of mind today after being so pessimistic yesterday. I had a full eight hours sleep last night - first time in ages. Sleep has been very erratic over the last few weeks. Dry but damp here,should really go out and do some pruning of hydrangeas,but can't face it. Will do some ironing instead - not my favourite pastime. My friend loves ironing and gets a lot of satisfaction out of it. Horses for courses?

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My MIL adores ironing lol!

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