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Ludwig - Bbc1

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naomi24 | 01:01 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

With David Mitchell, a reclusive puzzle setter with an extraordinarily analytical  mind.  A bit 'Jonathan Creek' and eminently enjoyable.  



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Watched it all over two nights, excellent.

My only quibble is the 15 year old giant who goes to his room when told. 😂

We are binging on Line of Duty repeats, half way through series 5, and will be watching Ludwig later.  Great cast. We enjoyed Creek, too.

Yes, I've only seen the first episode so far. I loved it.

Doubt I'll ever watch that show Naomi, but thanks for educating me who the cryptic crossword setter DM is.

I would never have guessed🤔

But I do enjoy his clues

we watched it all over 2 nights too.

its a bit of suspend disbelief, but what isnt :)

i love anna maxwell-martin in it too

I'd love to know what David Mitchell is like in real life, I suspect he is very different from his screen persona

I like David Mitchell and keep meaning to watch

I'll have to watch this. I saw the ads for it and it looked different and intriguing. 

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Ludwig - Bbc1

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