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JinnyJoan | 10:02 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

What exactly is it - I do see a girl advertising cosmetic jewellery.  I do have a good bit of it myself which as I am getting older or not going out - not wearing.

Would Vinted be a good idea or not.  For a start I do have 12 watches and other bits and bobs.  Thanks for any answers.



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It is similar to eBay.  You lost your items and hope somebody buys them.  Then you parcel then up and post them

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ah well Baz -  don't know how to sell on Ebay - think I will leave that alone.    LOL

I used Vinted daily. Dead easy, but depends what you're selling and what you want to make from it. 

If you want to get rid of it 'enbulk' use vintage cash cow.

I have been surprised at what they offered me for my costume jewellery collection.

You could always try your local auction house, JJ.  Or an antique shop that deals in costume jewellery

sorry I did not add a link because I thought it was classed as advertising


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