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Starmer Cannot He Handed A Free Lunch …

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naomi24 | 14:44 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
18 Answers

... warns the EU.  If he wants a so-called relations re-set with them, concessions on migration, fishing and youth mobility are understood to have been demanded as trade-offs. 

It's widely reported but I can't post a link - perhaps someone else will oblige.


Is our less-than esteemed and rapidly failing leader about to lead us into even stormier waters?  I think so.



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More concessions on fishing? They have too many rights over our fishing grounds, as is.

Its strange,but our customers in France,Spain and Portugal now seem to prefer us Brits(or at least us Scots) rather than the aerosols at Brussells.Im still a Remainer though,-for my sins?

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Thanks Corby.

Ridiculous. It's well know Starmer can be handed any freebie you want to offer. Including lunch.

Of course the EU is proving once again that they can't recognise the existence of a win:win deal. In order to agree to a benefit for both sides they insist on extras given to them by the other side first. I think that's called a bribe, isn't it ? Best walk away and leave them to it.

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There are reports suggesting that Yvette Cooper is objecting to his cosying up to the EU because of fears that it will result in thousands more immigrants having free access to this country.  I'm thinking is she chucking her hat in the ring as potentially the next PM? 

Just as long as she doesn't braid her hair eh?

As Blubster said right at the beginning.  Our Govt. has been slow enough to get us our fishing rights back as it is. 

At Bridlington the harbour is relatively busy still, but it is mainly shellfish and crustaceans - which all go to the EU (usually France).  In Filey - there are still just a few crabbers where there was a fishing industry and jobs for local kids.  No sign of any improvement. The local fishmonger has now closed.  We are on the edge of the N. Sea and no local fish available!!!!

For fresh fish your best bet is Morrison's at Scarborough (salmon driven down from Scotland etc..)  

It is truly shameful for a maritime nation and an island country to allow this state of affairs to have developed and to continue in a supposedly free country.

PS  I think ERASMUS (student exchange scheme) is valuable and should be reinstated.

Pixie Balls-Cooper is 'running' the Home Office.  Any immigration falls on here so hardly surprising she is against it.

As for Next PM, pretty much anyone (apart from the GOAS and Thieves) would be better.

Sir UT2TK will undoubtedly give in, he wants his snout in the very profitable EU trough, just like Kinnockio and his familly did.

I must admit I struggle with the Youth mobility scheme.  One of my Nephews (under 30) moved to work in Madrid recently.  There really is no problem if you are a useful addition to their society.  And lets faceit the EU will just use it to chuck loads of their new male arrivals all of fihtoing age over here.

Looks like we are heading for a Brino situation.

Yup, worse than the current BRINO we have.

But any surprise from the Europhile Sir 2TK?

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Yes I’m quite sure the EU would like a “youth mobility scheme”.

Their overall youth unemployment rate is almost 15%. Cyprus, Latvia, Croatia, Belgium, Greece and France all have rates between 15% and 20%. Luxemburg, Lithuania and Slovakia are all over 20%. Sweden and Estonia are on 22%, Romania 23% and Spain 25%.

The UK has enough problems of its own with 13% of 18-25 year olds being unemployed (although the true figure of people of that age not working is far higher than that - many of them are not classed as "unemployed"). 

The EU does is not seeking such a scheme for the benefit of the few UK youngsters who might want to head there (and as youngmaf says, those who really want to go there and are a useful addition to the society they join, are able to do so).

In 2022 (the latest figures I can find) over 5.1m migrants from outside the EU were granted citizenship of an EU country. Many of those would have been young people. Any scheme concocted by the EU (and welcomed by our Prime Minister in return for a couple of free tickets to the Champions League Final in Munich next May) will include provision for many of them to be among those seeking entry to the UK. 

Make no mistake. This will not be a scheme where young people come here for a couple of years’ “cultural enlightenment” and then return to the EU. Once here they will stay here and it will simply be a miniature version of the EU’s ridiculous “freedom of movement” lunacy which this country only recently was rid of.

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^I said something pretty similar a while ago.  It's one way of dealing with their immigration problems.  If Starmer agrees to this he's even barmier than I thought.

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