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douglas9401 | 23:17 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Taking a lead from the Greatest Living Mockney I'm giving abstinence a go for the month.

Standards may rise, or fall.



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well done Doug - I hope it goes OK

The GLM ( greatest living mockney that is! ) has commented to me: "foo danga foo danga walla walla shing shing!!"

not sure what that is ( as usual) but good luck to you

Is this about giving up alcohol for the month of October?  As I don't drink alcohol or smoke I shall have to think of something else to give up in support.

If I fall off the wagon again, I'm going to do

"Can't remember November"

I thought - - stop tober was

a plea for world peace - - some  hope

keep the faith Nailit - - you can er nail it !

Nailedit, don't allow 'ifs' to sneak in.  Falling off or staying on is your choice.  

It was a joke lol, 😂

Doing good at the mo! 😀

yeah -  stay off the choice that says " alcohol"

v glad to hear it

I'm really pleased to hear that, Nailedit.  Sock it to it fella!  👊

not even a wee dram dougie! Good luck!

Well if DH can dry out for a month Douglas .I am sure you can. OK.

Well done Nailedit, just brilliant.  Carry on as you are!  That's an Order;-)

You can do it Douglas I have no doubt.

Good luck Doug....👍.


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Cheers all. Getting the beach body ready. 🤣

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