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Sue Gray Resigns

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gramps85 | 13:50 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

I wonder if she was persuaded to resign because of all the bad press Starmer has received over her appointment. She has been appointed as a special envoy for nations and regions, (what ever that is) which is an advisory role.

Are cracks beginning to appear in Starmers inner circle?



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I have absolutely no idea who this person is.

I would say good riddance but she's not gone, she's just taken on a new role which sounds like something totally made-up, so she's still on the payroll.

Another one. Like rats jumping off a sinking ship. Perhaps she want's to make her self scarce for when the corruption prosecutions start. 

//Are cracks beginning to appear in Starmers inner circle?//

Haha. You can get something for that. 🤣

Well, she didn't last long in the job.  

Her chairing partygate & subsequent appointment as SKS's "Dominic Cummings" was a totally seedy stitch-up. Get her out completely & good riddance!

Perhaps she quit to be in a position to "chair" the likely enquiry into the cortruption swirling around Palli Alli and the rotten administration. After all she knows the verdict before it is even held.  

£170 grand is not bad for chatting to inconsequentials for a couple of hours now and then and the new position has the advantage of lessening the chances of snipers from the shires taking random shots to fill up their days.

What a vile political party.

Perhaps she quit to be in a position to "chair" the likely enquiry into the corruption swirling around Palli Alli and the rotten administration.

Ther eis no corruption there - Palli Ali and the PM were stuck in the closet. There were no O levels revised in that flat !

The closely guarded secret that the PM is gay is all around London- they say

He doesn't exude carefree happiness on telly.

I was surprised he did a whoopsie and repaid £6k

He is a lawyer for chrissakes, and must know what an expense  was.

Is this Sue Grey not the same type of aerosol as Dominick Cummings was?How long are we UK taxpayers are going to put up with financing these useless chancers and on the make-rs?

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