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"Two-Faced "Boris Johnson Attacked By Amber Rudd Over Lies In Memoir.

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gulliver1 | 09:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
51 Answers

Former Home secretary Ms Rudd says Johnsons autobiography is more like reading the Beano comic than a serious Book.And calls him "Johnson the Janus"...Johnsons book is called unleashed and is the product of his split personality and reads more like Billy Bunter  let loose in Westminster.The book shows he has no integrity and only ever does what suits him best she claims....I think she has described him to a Tee.



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Expect to see this notice in your local charity shop very soon. ( PLEASE, No more Boris books) please take direct to recycling centre.  :0)
10:59 Sun 06th Oct 2024

As long as BJ is just selling a book to his old admirers, I don't really care why he's in the news again.

gulliver, I've told you before I'm not ex national service and I've certainly not told you what I did in the RAF. Stop making things up to make it sound as if you know what you're talking about.

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Vulcan  00.56 You were probably an average Erk that worked in the stores. Nothing wrong with that, someone had to do the job.               Get over it.

Gulliver, have you ever served in HM's forces like a number of us on this site have.

gulliver, you continue to prove you are an idiot.

Well of course Gulliver hasn't served in HM Forces, he is a complete embarrassing loser, a waster.

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09.15 But he did....Peggy.

Yea right, stop lying you tool.

gulliver, if you served in H M Forces, why do you make disparaging remarks about them?

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Because unlike yourself and your Abingdon mate. I don't keep trying to cover myself with Glory.

If you did serve in H M forces gulliver which one was it?  I don't know of anyone that served that likes to talk down their country as much as you do.  Most are proud to have served and are not afraid to tell people.

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