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Lord Alli

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Khandro | 10:58 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
36 Answers

'He is a member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom, sitting as a life peer for the Labour Party, and is described as one of only a few openly gay Muslim politicians in the world.'


With so many favours bestowed by him on Labour MPs, what does he want in return?                                                      Should we now expect that 'Islamophobia' will be entering the statute books ?



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I  love the way our mods ( bless) work hard to make a thread flow peacedfully and unobstructed

That's a 'no' on the quick check then.


oh doug you old misery-guts

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Apologies accepted. Can we now address the danger of accepting 'Islamophobia' onto the statute books please?

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......... and of course; why is this guy giving so much money to the Labour Party ? What does he expect from them ?

The Tory party also receives donations from people who presumably have some motive for donating. Hasn't it always been like that?

2 wrongs etc...

"The Tory party also receives donations from people who presumably have some motive for donating. Hasn't it always been like that?"

Yes it does. as do all political parties.

However, these are not donations to the party. They are personal gifts to the Prime Minister, some of a most unusual nature. Who, for example, (perhaps apart from those who are destitute) relies on rich benefactors to provide their clothing and spectacles?

NJ, I believe that many celebs receive such gifts. Are you aware of any tories recieving similar presents? I thought that Johnson was given free holidays at friends' properties.

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Atheist ; I've had free holidays at friends properties, nothing wrong in that.

This is quite different, this is one specific individual of a certain background giving large presents and services to MPs who are by no stretch of the imagination 'friends' but simply because they are Labour.

I suggest he wants some influence in return.  


"NJ, I believe that many celebs receive such gifts."

I don' really care abou celebs. They can do as they please.

This is about the Prime Mininster accepting some very unusual gifts from a person who undoubtedly wants to exert some influence over his decisions (which will affect all of us).

I couldn't care less if some celebrity who I've never heard of (or even one of the few I have) is on the take. 

Let's re-phrase my question: "Who, with any self-respect, and with adequate resources of their own,  allows themselves to be clothed by a rich benefactor?"

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This turns out to be a timely thread, Guido has just published this;

The murky becomes clearer.

Well, well, well. 

Well ...

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Lord Alli

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