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What are you thinking?

.A perfect summary of the utter hypocrisy of religion, patriotism, and politics.

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What am I thinking?

There can be dark deeds done when God's on our side.

Or their side.

We know where you are going with this tripe.

Seems a decent prayer. One has to clear the bad stuff in order to replace with good stuff. It's much the same as when you take medicines for an infection. The major difference being that the infection consists of far larger forms.

YMB if you don't like it just scroll on.  No need to be nasty.

I am not being nasty, Sandy often does this so why shouldnt I question it?




Bob Dylan wrote and sung this.

Whose side was Bob Dylan on?

Mark Twain was a wise man.

It is unbelievable that in 2024 we still find that killing other people is a reasonable way to settle anything.

I don't know the answer.

He sang this !

Some say that if  a decent distance is put between mankind and sky ghosts then war is a bit less likely.

If any god needs glorifying then build a church or whatever and sing your heart out or bob up and down in the prescribed fashion. It shouldn't be an excuse for slaughter and bloodlust.

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