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What Does This Guy Mean By He Always Bottom Of My List?

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abbeylee90 | 20:27 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
57 Answers

This guy I've spoken about I know from dogs home. I said work comes at top of my list and he said 'you finish at two and then have the weekend off ! When he all of a sudden brought up we hadn't been out for ages. Very little does he know about selco. What is he trying to get out of this?



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Abbey, you say you 'don't want the attention off him', but also that it's 'awkward' not to have any more to do with him. You'll have to decide which of these you can cope with!

PS I think many of us find it hard to be sympathetic when you made so much drama last year, appeared to have got it sorted - and now you're back to the 'What did he mean when...?' questions. 

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If I got into a relationship would I have to cut him out my life anyway?

What does you getting into a relationship have to do with it?  If you don't like him or the attention he gives you, ditch him.  Any potential future relationship is neither here nor there.  You're making a drama of this.

Abbey, you asked the same question - several times - last year. To summarise... having male friends is fine when you start haveing a 'proper' relationship. No new partner should oblect to that.

Having a 'friend' that you called all sorts of names but kept up with because he bought  you things, took  you places  and is too'awkward' to now shake off, isn't!

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Coz he messaged saying he hasn't me for weeks

You like extending the conversation by throwing in extra things (often thiungs you've said before) which are not relevant or important in the scheme of things. Block him. Avoid him where possible. If you see him be polite but distant. If he presses you tell him you're not interested in seeing/hearing from him away from the dogs home and tell him you've blocked his calls/messages.

Again, Abbey, why don't you tell him about Answerbank, then he can read everything you've said about him and I'm sure he won't bother you anymore after that.

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Get your point Scorpio 

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My mum told me not to bother with as he patrols the road by the dogs home to see if people are wearing thier vi's 

//...wearing thier vi's//If anyone is confused, abbey means their hi-vis jackets


The only thing I'm confused about is why Abbey doesn't just say she's not interested, instead of writing post after post about this man.

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I mean hi vi's for when walking the dogs so people know they from the dog's home.

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Scor I do say no when he asks to do something.

Then why aren't you telling him you're not interested at all?

 Abbey is clearly finding it hard to put this behind her and often comes back on here with a 'thought shower'  when it crosses her mind

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He hasn't said he fancies me.

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He ignored me when I told I don't like cats so will see

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