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Xbox One VS PS4

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AB Editor | 11:15 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Gaming
31 Answers

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  • Playstation 4 - 11 votes
  • 73%
  • Xbox One - 4 votes
  • 27%

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Surely the same is also true of the PS4? We always get ripped off.

£349 = $560 (ish)
I won't get either, I'm a pc gamer ☺☺☺
@Matt - Yes, that is true, both console companies do it. But- its cheaper than the Xbox One, so my level of indignation is proportionately less :)

For me, its the combination of issues surrounding the xbox one - no retro-compatibility, regional restrictions, no 2nd hand games market, a "one-stop entertainment centre" approach that I do not want - I cannot ever imagine wanting to Skype whilst I am gaming, or watching a movie, for instance - and its slightly inferior technical specifications when compared to the PS4 mean that, for me at least, it is time for a change.

I still remain indignant at the extortion of UK and european customers though. regardless of which company does it :)
Fair enough - I'm not pushing 1 in front of the other.
MS and Sony were essentially identical this gen so it would appear MS have decided they need to walk a different path next gen.

SlackAlice - I understand why you would be a PC gamer but don't you miss out on a lot of quality titles?
Seems that Microsoft have been scared at the response of gamers to some of the more restrictive ideas that the XBox 1 was offering, and various polls suggesting that the PS4 was far and away the favoured console pre-launch...

They have just released this statement, saying that a once every 24 hour connection was mandatory is no longer going to happen, and that the trade in 2nd hand games will be reinstated without the previous restrictions...
Internet connection was never an issue for me and too much was made of the DRM issue. This was never going to be enforced by Microsoft only the publishers/developers.

MS made a bit of a balls-up with their initial presentations as they haven't accentuated the positives. Now the DRM has been restored to as it was technically we never own the game so can't share with friends as was the intention. I don't know exactly how that was going to work but the game could have been shared with upto 10 people on your friends list so I assume they would have had free access via the cloud maybe.

Sony seem to have come out of this whiter than white as they did not make any intentions clear until after the massive negativity aimed at MS. Personally I think they wanted to do the same but once they knew the reaction did an about-turn and used it as a selling point. Everyone has forgotten that they attempted this exact thing with the PS3 i.e. every game would be locked to 1 console.
The only one I miss not being 'ported' over to pc are the Forza series.
Otherwise most games are available to pc either at launch or soon after.
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Microtransactions will replace the online pass as a mean of generating extra revenue methinks.
I really, really want the PS4.... but hugely disappointed that none of my disc-based PS3 games will be usable on it. I think that's terrible. At the same time, I'm not giving my money to Microsoft. Will stick to the PS3 - who knows, it might turn me into a hipster!
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